Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here's a picture of my good friend, Nancy Beasley, and my landlady, Ruth Pentes, at my studio!  Nancy and Ruth happen to be neighbors.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Studio Visitors

On Tuesday, friends from our dinner group came to visit my studio.  I thought it would be fun to take their pictures with one or two of their favorite paintings.  Friends shown are Cindy Holley who is holding a painting I started in Angela Nesbit's workshop, Tammy Brown who is holding sketches of my son Kirk who she taught in first grade twenty years ago, Guyla Vardell, and Nancy Beasley!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More sketchbook examples

The class sketchbook assignments provided by some students were very interesting.  Since there are fifty sketches due from each student, I'd better get busy!  Here are a few more that I've completed - or almost completed.  Again, they are just sketches!

Sketchbook assignments

Draw what you would see if you looked through a keyhole

Something mechanical

Someone who is boxed in

Your favorite shoe

Being out of town for over a week resulted in no blog posts and only a little "artwork."  My time has been filled with working on sketchbook assignments for my drawing class at Queens.  The teacher asked that each student submit two assignments.  She then added several of her own to complete the semester assignment.   I'm attaching a couple of my sketches.  These are very simplistic (not very good) and some are direct "copies" of photographs.  However, they are very good learning experiences.